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Acatech Developed FMS

Acatech technology developed an application capable of streamlining the core activities of Farms.  The Farm Management  System with a companion mobile client application to facilitate field-based data collection, which mostly is location-based field progress monitoring. 

The system streamlines the complete activities involved in the EGS seed production process including farm management practices, input tracking, personnel and task/activity monitoring, Agro-climate advisory for farms, and production stock management

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The National DAEAS Stakeholders Forum conducted on March 28/2023

The Digital Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services (DAEAS) Stakeholders Forum conducted today. The aim of the Forum was to bring together key players in the Digital Agriculture ecosystem for collaborative and coordinated roadmap implementation. Participants were from local and international Stakeholders. Acatech presented the status of the National Agriculture Data Hub in the Forum. Read more
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ACATECH is assigned to lead the development of agriculture data hub for Ethiopia. 

By Acatech.

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research in Africa (AICCRA) program is supporting the development of an integrated ag-data hub in Ethiopia. The program is considering to co-develop a dedicated, and publicly owned and operated - one-stop shopping national ag-data hub for Ethiopian government policymakers, agrometeorology experts, ag extension officers, farmers, value chain actors, and other end users (through consolidation, integration, and upgrading of the existing systems) that provides all relevant data, insights, and analytics needed to make fact-based decisions when conducting agricultural operations. Similar efforts of the project are undertaken in different African countries as well.

Noting the possible shortcomings of engaging international consultants and exploring the capacity of national experts, the Alliance has explored national talents in the database developed and management and created a consortium of experts to lead the development of the data hub. As part of this exercise, ACATECH Technology PLC ( was assigned the lead the consortium and development of the data hub for Ethiopia. ACATECH works with different partners in the country including those involved in system design and subject matter specialists.

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